When looking for academic trophies go to http://www.nettrophy.com/awards/526/Academic-Trophies.html or call 888-707-5111.
When recognizing students for exceptional efforts and achievements, academic trophies are the best way to commemorate accomplishment. These trophies can be customized in numerous ways. Topping figures and design motifs can be modified to suit various achievements with classic scholarly symbols like knowledge lamps, graduate figures, stars, wreaths, eagles, and victory figures. They can also be customized for specific events, concentrations, and achievements including debate, mathletes, spelling bees, computing, perfect attendance, honor roll and more.
When considering other ways to modify an academic award, there are a number of other elements that can be chosen to perfectly suit the recipient, theme, or organization. Logos and customized graphics can be incorporated. A range of different base materials, platform configurations, column arrangements, and engraved plates can be incorporated. There are also plenty of ways to incorporate school and club colors on columns and using ribbons as part of your trophy kit.
In addition to the classic trophy, academic medallions, plaques and ribbons can also be used to recognize a scholarly achievement. These awards can also be customized in many different ways, whether through engraving, incorporation of personalized graphics, and various other customizations. More modern options are available in the form of crystal and resin statues that can be modified specifically for achievements.
When looking for different academic award and trophy options, you’ll want to choose a provider that will offer you the right combination of product selection and quality, customization capabilities, and personalized service. You’ll also want to make sure your trophy provider has the experience and expertise to guide you through the process of designing an award that perfectly suits your event or recipient.
netTrophy.com can provide you with all of that and more. Their trophy and award options are diverse and easy to customize with just a few clicks. They are also staffed by a team of trophy design specialists who can assist you throughout the process and help you achieve the results you envision. To learn more and to get started creating your trophies and awards, visit their website.
Check Out Our Playlist: https://goo.gl/KMdkdG
Company: netTrophy.com | Buena Park Plaque & Trophy
Address: 6122 Beach Blvd.
City: Buena Park
State: California
Zip: 90621
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/aZnyXuY3-TM
via Magoda | Manufacturing America by ROIGROUP
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